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  • When do I get my timetable?
    Timetables are not handled by the college but instead by the University and all the subject departments. Timetables usually come out late september and are available at
  • I'm feeling nervous about starting at Cambridge, who do I talk to?
    Starting univeristy can be very tough, espescially if it is your first time away from home. We can assue you, you are not alone! If you want to chat to someone, email our Welfare Officers and they can talk to you about any concerns you may have.
  • Do I Need a Bike?
    Most Students in Cambridge tend to own a bike during their time here, and this is even more true for students at Fitz. Fitz is considered a 'Hill College' which means it is a bit further out of town than most colleges. Although some students do like to walk everywhere, if you would like to speed up a 20 minute walk into a 5 minute Bike ride, then getting a Bike might be worth it!
  • What's a Matriculation?
    Student's are not considered officially part of the University until they have Matriculated. Traditionally this would mean that all students signed a book, but in the modern world of today it is simply an email! Nevertheless, all freshers still have to attend the Matriculation Dinner (5-course Formal) where they are often sat among their peers and their supervisors to officially welcome them to Cambridge.
  • What's a Formal?
    Formal Hall is a more elaborate dinner in Hall, requiring smart dress and gowns. Meals are served at your table, and attendees may bring guests and bottles of wine.
  • Where do I buy a Gown?
    The JCR will sell Gowns to all Freshers during the freshers week! We offer both new and second-hand gowns at a discounted price. All gowns will be cheaper than you would be able to get them at any store in Cambridge as we bulk-buy and sell at a discounted price.
  • What do I do on my first day!?
    The JCR work very hard over the summer vacation to plan a jam-packed Freshers week with various events everyday, with things like the FitzUp event being the college highlight of the week!!
  • I have so many more questions, who/where do I ask??
    We are very gald you're filled with questions!! Please message our instagram (@FitzJCR) and they will be able to add you to any Freshers groupchats where your questions can be asked and answered!
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